Forecast models

Windyweek forecast models currently run or used - territory coverage, resolution and update times.

Windyweek Forecast Models

Model - Resolution Geographic Coverage Update Times (all times are in UTC) Forecast Length
Covers Bulgaria, North Greece and North Aegean Sea. 3h, 6:10h, 8h, 10:30h, 12h, 13:30h, 15:15h, 19h, 22h. 48h
Covers Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Hungary, Bosna and Herzegovina and West Turkey. 3h, 6:10h, 8h, 10:30h, 12h, 13:30h, 15:15h, 19h, 22h. 87h
Covers whole Europe. 4:45h, 10:45h, 16:45h, 22:45h. 384h